
4 things about painting parking lots

It's raining outside. I'm bored and uninspired. Here is an entry that I started writing a while ago. Maybe if I do this job again I'll have more to add, but in the meantime...

Here are, in no particular order, 4 things I know (to varying levels of certainty) about painting parking lots.

1 - There can be a surprisingly large amount of filth on a lot and you can still paint successfully, so long as it's little filth. Rocks and liquid and sludge are all bad, but a thin layer of dust is nothing. It gets blasted away when the painting trolley starts blowing paint onto the ground. And if any dust is left, the paint particles eat them.

2 - Fancy touches are not helpful. Putting curves on the ends of double lines every few spaces not only cuts down on the overall number of stalls in a lot, but takes a hell of a lot longer to paint. It looks like a penis fer crying out loud!

3 - You lose track of the day when painting an underground garage. There's no sun. There's no wind. The day passes not in terms of time but in stalls marked out in blue chalk, lines painted and numbers stencilled on columns.

4 - A building with a small footprint means more underground levels and that means way more walking. Stairs or car ramps if we're moving the machine about. Grunt.

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